Local (503) 776-8992 - Toll Free (800) 991-6430 support@paypax.com

Questions? Here we have most of the answers. 


Who is PayPax?

PayPax, Inc. is a professionally licensed, bonded and registered debt collection agency located in Portland, OR. The founder started PayPax to serve the millions of people who feel mistreated by others in the industry. 

Why are you trying to get in contact with me?

Most likely one of our clients has entrusted PayPax, Inc. with the task of collecting an outstanding debt in your name. Rest assured that we are here to assist you in resolving this matter promptly and fairly.

Why are you trying to get in contact with me?

Most likely one of our clients has entrusted PayPax, Inc. with the task of collecting an outstanding debt in your name. Rest assured that we are here to assist you in resolving this matter promptly and fairly.